29661 South Western Ave, RPV, CA, 90275

Your Top 3 Assisted Living Questions (answers inside)

How do you know with certainty if Palos Verdes Villa matches what you’re looking for?

See your top 3 Assisted Living Questions Answered…


Q1: Where is our community?

A: We are in Rancho Palos Verdes, a coastal city in Los Angeles County, California.

Our Address is: Palos Verdes Villa, South Western Avenue, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA

OK, so this is where we are.

If you’d like to see if our location matches your requirements, click here to view us on google maps.

Next up…

Level of Care

The type of care your loved-one receives is clearly the highest priority, but we mention location first, because it’s probably the best way to start narrowing down your list of choices.

If you’re still here reading, chances are…our location matches your needs…so let’s take a look at the care we can offer your loved-one.

Q2: What level of care do you provide? 

A: Our community is best able to serve 60+ Men or Women … who are mobile and need help with various things that could include: cooked meals, cleaning, bathing, dressing, transportation, medication and more…

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate someone who requires… memory care, sundowning or other more serious and long-term, 24/7 monitoring.

The reason why is because of the training our staff have, the way the building is designed and state and local laws…so we simply cannot meet the needs of every individual here at P V Villa.

(If you’re not sure what level of care you or your loved one require. Please call us for an informal and confidential chat to discuss your needs).

The level of care we provide is tailored specifically—to each and every resident living here—because we believe that this is what they need & deserve.

We call it “Signature Care”.

What this means is, we design a custom-care plan for your loved-one when they arrive…and adapt and update it continuously. Making certain, the right amount of care is being delivered, at the right time, all-the-time…throughout their stay!

If you’d like to learn more about “Signature Care” then click this link.

Alternatively, feel free to come and meet us and ask for more information during your virtual or in-person tour, which you can book at this page here.

OK. We’ve covered Location and Level of Care…

Now… it’s time to look at…

Rent & Care Fees

Because the third most popular question we get asked is about price, so…

Q3: How much does it cost to live at Palos Verdes Villa?

A: To live here at Palos Verdes Villa — costs between $2,300 – $4,000.

We have semi-private, shared studios , and private studios, with or without a patio.

You might be surprised to learn that many residents like having a ‘room-mate’ – and if you choose this option, we have a very successful process for matching up “roomies”.

Alternatively, if personal space is higher up, on your loved-ones list of priorities. Our private-units, with or without outside space (and some with ocean views) will be the perfect setting…to rest and relax…in between a full social and action calendar.

To learn more about the personalized level of care your loved-one can enjoy when staying here at our resort style assisted living community, visit this page here.

And, after you read up on everything we have to offer…

Feel free to schedule a tour.
We’ll show you around (virtually or in-person) so you can really get a sense of what it would be like when your loved-one (potentially) moves-in!

We hope today’s message has been of value to you.

Yours in senior service,

Palos Verdes Villa


In this article we looked at your top 3 questions & concerns.

  • Where are you located?
  • What level of care do you provide?
  • How much does it all cost?

What we haven’t discussed is…

What happens if you’re not sure if you can afford the fees?…

In our next message, we’ll take a look at your financing options…

Because there are ways in which you can finance your loved-ones stay at an assisted living facility that you may not have heard of…

Until then…

If you think you’ll be able to cover the cost for your loved-one to be a “private-pay“ resident…

And our level of care and location…

Both: look and sound good….

The next step is to get a “feel” for what we’re all about.

You can do that now by booking your in-person or virtual tour at this link here.

We look forward to connecting with you.